Shoddy Construction Nightmare: Brand-New UK Home Plagued with Problems from Leaky Toilet to Faux Weep Vents

In a recent investigation into a new build home, New Home Quality Control, an established home inspection agency, unveiled a host of alarming issues, from a leaky toilet to a wonky staircase. The video documenting these issues has taken the internet by storm, causing public outrage over the quality of new build homes.

The video, originally posted on TikTok, revealed the harrowing state of the property in question. The inspection brought to light a multitude of significant problems including a gaping space between the roof beams, a leaking toilet, and even a staircase with misaligned steps.

The report indicated that the property was far from being in a 'move-in-ready' state, and pointed out even the most unassuming issues like a wobbly extraction hood. In one shocking moment, the inspector highlighted a considerable chip in the sink pedestal, humorously asking, "would you fancy some salt and vinegar to go with that?"

Perhaps more troubling was the discovery of an access lid to a tile column in the bathroom that came off effortlessly, revealing a missing valve in the underlying PVC pipe. The inspector was quick to point out, "The toilet appears to be leaking. The developer must investigate to ascertain the cause of this leak."

What turned heads was the discovery of counterfeit weep vents on the external brickwork of the house. According to a damp proofing expert, the use of such faux vents is a common cost-cutting strategy amongst many construction companies. Left unaddressed, this deceptive measure can lead to severe damp-related damage in the future.

In another instance, a toilet in the house was noticed to be continuously running and bubbling, prompting the inspector to jest, "This toilet is trying to share some secrets. What might they be?"

The audacity of the construction flaws peaked when a wall was found to be slanted by 21mm, a shocking 13mm beyond the legal limit. Furthermore, a protective glove left negligently on the bottom of the metal garage door trapped water, potentially paving the way for corrosion if overlooked.

Moreover, the inspectors noticed poorly drilled holes on a door, signifying incorrect hinge installation, prompting them to comment, "The door butchers have been at it again. Why hasn't this been rectified?"

Public reactions to the video were understandably outraged, with comments pouring in criticising the builders' lack of competence and questioning the legality of selling properties in such a state.

This report comes after a group of residents in North London shared their own nightmarish experiences with their new build home. The property, which was initially valued between £700,000 and £900,000, is now estimated to be worth £0 due to the magnitude of structural problems that surfaced shortly after the first leaseholder moved in. The issues ranged from a leaking roof causing water damage in flats to cracking interior and exterior walls and malfunctioning windows and doors.

Despite numerous complaints and reports about the property's poor condition over the years, the insurance company providing the 10-year warranty has yet to respond. Alexandra Druzhinin, a jewellery designer and resident, who spent £900,000 on her flat, expressed her distress, "We are completely trapped. We can't escape this. I'm utterly exhausted. Not only have we lost the money spent on purchasing and renovating the flat, and the legal fees – but we now risk losing everything we own because we can't get insurance."

This scenario underlines the importance of stringent quality checks in the construction industry and the urgent need for regulatory bodies to ensure that new builds meet all required standards, safeguarding buyers from such devastating situations.


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